passions include exploring, enjoying, and designing for the earth​​​​​​​
Hi! Welcome to my website! 
As of May 2021, I'm a Tulane University graduate with a Bachelors of Architecture and a Minor in English.
 I've always been drawn to the beauty of world we live in, and like to explore it through words, photography, and design.

digital : Revit, Rhino, VRAY, Adobe Creative Suites, Grasshopper, Microsoft Office, Mac iOS, Climate Consultant
physical: lasercutting, 3d printing, small scale model building, wood working, welding, Ikea furniture assembly
interpersonal: communication, collaboration, leadership, time management, attention to detail, public speaking

I believe that eagerness and curiosity are crucial components to design, at least for me. I am constantly seeking to better myself through learning and doing. I set high standards for myself, but at the end of the day, value the creative process as much as the end product. 
I believe in the base good which comes in creation, and am constantly seeking new ways of understanding the world around me and my place within it; curiosity drives me and my design process. It is what urges me forward to new places and new ideas, to think from many perspectives and tackle challenges. I am unafraid to fall, and learn, and try again. 
I believe in drawing as a mode of thinking. Putting pen to paper is both therapeutic and productive, and keeps my hands alive. I believe in rolls of trace and iterations of ideas. 
I believe that the natural world should be explored, protected, and celebrated. I believe that the only just way to imagine and carry out design is in betterment of its surroundings, for now and in the future. This includes not only the immediate site and larger environment, but also the community. Designers currently exist in a threshold of time where it is our responsibility to create for those and that which deserve it most. Inclusive, responsive, carefully curated, and sustainable design, at its largest and smallest scale, is what I strive to create. 
I value my ever-growing education, my hands, my friendships and family, and a to do list.

Hiking, biking, kayaking, skiing, traveling, picnicking, and exploring are my favorite ways of being outside and feeling like my best self. It is where I find myself challenged and growing. Sketching, lettering, and writing are ways I've found to let my mind and hands wander. I try hard to have a green thumb, and enjoy the life which comes from being surrounded by plants. I believe in immersing yourself with what makes you happiest. 

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