Myself, Nicki de Smidt, and Jaemi Guieb, proposed a schematic design to a current client
of Looney Ricks Kiss. Crosstown Concourse is a mixed use development, boasting of teacher and artist residency apartmets, a high school, local retailers, business spaces, a public art gallery, etc. This design is activating a small green space and crosswalk, along with reimagining an old railroad bridge as a new biking greenline, connecting to a nearby existing line. We focused on adding to the creative community that is Crosstown Concourse, while concurrently being a space of gathering for the high school students and residents. While this was a group design and submission, I have indicated the rightful creator of each drawing if it was not myself.


drawing by Nicki de Smidt

performance center - day

performance center - night

drawing by Jaemi Guieb

underpass - day - drawing by Jaemi Guieb

underpass - night - drawing by Jaemi Guieb

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