The Spot is a design competition entry finalist proposing a new platform in New Orleans' City Park, designed by Lizzie Bateman (B. Arch '21), Danelle Martin (B. Arch '21), and Adrian Evans (M. Arch '21)
The Spot platform will be centered around the Singing Oak Tree in City Park. Its shape takes inspiration from the wind chimes that dangle from the Singing Oak’s branches. When viewed in plan, the penatonic chimes offer a compelling composition. The five chimes circle around the center mass, which in our case is the central platform. This main deck is large enough to host many different groups of people, from impromptu musical performances, to a peaceful afternoon in solitude. Two ramps lead up to the platform, which is held 2’ off from the ground. This allows easy access and also connects back to our original concept of introducing movement through the formal massing strategy, much like wind through chimes. It was important to connect The Spot to the existing network of paths in the park, so we have proposed additional gravel paths. We hope this can be your new go to Spot in City Park!

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